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Landkarte Peru Anbaugebiet Kakao
We obtain our high-quality fine chocolate "Criollo" from the Juan Pablo Community in the Satipo region in Peru. Around 200 families live there who finance their livelihood by growing cacao. Each family owns and grows cacao on approx. 20 ha. Life there is very simple. The families live on self-built huts. There are few unpaved roads and no sewage system. So far, the water supply has been a contaminated river, which can only be reached by an one hour walk.
AcanChia stands up for these people and, together with you, builds up a village community with kindergarten, school, electricity and water supply. We support cacao farmers in securing their livelhood and improving their quality of life. The first major project that we were able to inaugurate in November 2018 was to supply the new village with clean spring water. The residents can not only cook and wash with the water, but also irrigate their fields at night. Our project work in the region brings many other advantages for everyone involved.
Einfache Lebensweise  hütte bauern peru
Aufbau infrastruktur Straßen mit Acanchia projekt
Infrastructure expansion in the region
Raising the standard of living and quality of life
Residents can save their way to the distant river, Rio Ene. This makes the daily routine much easier. The children can go to school and women can do their work. In addition, the diverted spring water, in contrast to the heavily polluted river, has drinking water quality. This improves the hygienic situation of the community, which has a positive effect on health.
Roads and trinking water
The Satipo region is very remote and can only be reached via unpaved roads. Whenever there is heavy rain, entire regions are no longer accessible. There is a lack of infrastructure such as roads, water supply, electricity, sewerage. To improve this situation, we have established, expanded and improved roads and set up a water supply. 

Possibility of irrigating the cocoa fields 
Thanks to the newly installed water supply, the fields can be irrigated at night. The cacao trees have optimal conditions.

Increasing the quality of the cacao beans 
Due to the volcanic soil, cacao from Peru tends to store higher amounts of cadmium. Since cadmium is a heavy metal, there are requirements in the EU for the amount of cadmium that can be contained in cacao. So that the high-quality cacao can continue to be sold in the EU, we are working with the cacao farmers to develop special cultivation methods to minimize the cadmium content in the cacao beans. 

Sense of cohesion 
Building something together strengthens the sense of community and cohesion. All of the cacao farmers involved voluntarily participated in the construction of the water supply and helped out. In return they can take the water for free. 
Up to now, the families have been widely dispersed in the region, with large spatial distances between them. By centralizing the water supply, they move closer together. A village community with school and kindergarten is created. Education becomes accessible to everyone and for the first time people experience the support of a village community in which they have lovingly integrated us.
Straßen nach regen im Kakaoanbaugebiet peru
Solarprojekt im Anbaugebiet Kakao peru
After the water supply has been completed, we will support the villagers in establishing an autonomous power supply.
AcanChia unterstütz Anbauer in peru mit Geld und Projektarbeit
The whole project is a develoPPP.de program, which is carried out by DEG on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). It is aimed at companies that have long-term commitments in developing and emerging countries and want to make their corporate commitment sustainable. The BMZ provides public funds of up to EUR 200,000 and a maximum of 50% of the project costs. The company must pay at least 50% of the project costs itself. These development business partnerships can last up to three years and can be found in a wide variety of industries and topics.
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