
AcanChia - quality that connects

Vegetable raw materials - the basis for healthy vegan-vegetarian food

The AcanChia company is specialized in high-quality organic plant-based foods. Vegetable raw materials are the basis for healthy vegan-vegetarian food.

We are a controlled importer according to EU guidelines for organic farming and follow the principles of sustainable action and fair trade. You can buy vegan food and raw materials from us, such as natural cocoa products, chia seeds, quinoa and much more. You are also welcome to find out more about our current projects or browse through our recipes.

What are the advantages of a diet with plant-based raw materials from AcanChia?

In addition to the most widespread and well-known advantages such as animal welfare, sustainability and environmental protection, the focus of a diet with plant-based raw materials is on your own body, i.e. a healthy lifestyle. We rely on a healthy plant-based diet. Switching to a plant-based diet can prevent diet-related diseases and ensure a better supply of certain nutrients.

A plant-based diet has a high proportion of vitamins such as folic acid, vitamin E and vitamin C, minerals, fiber and, in particular, secondary plant compounds (phytamines). These have the potential to prevent a number of chronic lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases or inflammatory diseases. They also promote or support well-being, for example by promoting and regulating digestion.

What makes AcanChia herbal products so special?

Our herbal products are of high organic quality and we only use natural ingredients for our end products. To ensure quality, our products are subjected to extensive controls. We support our farmers in the sustainable cultivation of raw materials and work closely with them to support and promote fair trade. As part of this close cooperation, we support social projects in the growing countries and ensure fair wages for the farmers.

The traceability of our products is also particularly important to us. We select our suppliers carefully and visit them on site several times a year. This makes our products 100% traceable and transparent. Through various research and development projects, we are also continuously improving the cultivation quality of raw materials and products.

The advantages of a plant-based diet at a glance.

• Natural supply of many important vitamins and minerals
• Improved nutrient supply
• Organic quality
• Promoting biodiversity
• Contribution to animal welfare
• Contribution to environmental protection
• Fair Trade & Sustainability
• Delicious and versatile for many great recipes

Vegan Vegetarian Foods –
Private and commercial

We want to make fair trade plant-based foods accessible to everyone. AcanChia is not only the right contact for wholesalers, canteen kitchens and the catering trade. Our products are also ideal for plant-based nutrition in the private sector. You can easily order our high-quality vegan-vegetarian food in smaller pack sizes in our shop. So if you want to buy high-quality raw materials and vegan-vegetarian food, then you've come to the right place at AcanChia!

AcanChia products

We offer raw organic food of highest quality and transparency and traceability from cultivation to distribution.
Our products

Research & Development

We conduct research and development to improve the cultivation and quality of raw materials and products.
Learn more

Great recipes

Incorporate high quality food into your menu. Here you will find tried and tested recipes for every occasion.
Recipe overview

Fair & Social

We follow the principles of sustainable and fair trade and support our local growers with social projects.
Learn more

News at AcanChia

Intakte Blutgefäße sind entscheidend für unsere Gesundheit.  Gesunde Ernährung schützt diese.
by Privatdozent Dr. Dietrich Paper 18 February 2025
Intakte Blutgefäße sind entscheidend für unsere Gesundheit. Gesunde Ernährung, Bewegung, Stressreduktion, medizinische Vorsorge schützt diese. Im Bereich der Ernährung ist der Gebrauch von Lebensmitteln der Kategorie Nova I zu empfehlen. Wichtig auch Zuckerreduktion. der Verzehr von antientzündlichen Nahrungsstoffen wie antioxidative Vitamine, Phytamine - insbesondere phenolische Substanzen aus der Gruppe der Flavanole.
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